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Post #367591

easy 47 Solver Rank
! #367591   2019-11-13 16:18
Хочу опять вернуться к интерфейсу).
Сейчас можно проставлять крестики на найденных числах примерно вот так:


На больших кроссвордах даже под маленьким крестиком не видно какое под ним число.
Приходится считать количество найденных чисел что на больших ЯКах неудобно.

Предлагаю сделать возможным вид крестика в виде заливки.
Например вот так


В результате все прекрасно видно).

А еще лучше сделать возможным два типа крестиков.
Тогда можно отмечать не только полностью найденные числа, но и частично найденные.
Например вот так


Комментарии по поводу этой идеи очень приветствуются))

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easy 47 Solver Rank  2019-11-13 16:19 + 2
The third picture is lost)
anikina 54  2019-11-13 16:39 + 1
Yes, it is possible black-and-white crossword puzzles. And what about the color?
easy 47 Solver Rank  2019-11-13 16:47 + 2
Yes, I meant black and white.
About the color thought.
Well, firstly, nothing prevents to leave the standard cross. And secondly, it is possible to think about color. It is possible for example to mark to use the color that is not in the picture. Or use the fill in all field but on the part. Will be the square in the square)). You might have some other ideas)
easy 47 Solver Rank  2019-11-13 16:49 + 2
Oh, a third picture. In the beginning there was only the link that led to a page "Image not found"
easy 47 Solver Rank  2019-11-13 16:56 + 2
And about the color. I just have not decided, also to the subordinate reasons .
The Color under the cross is not visible not only the number but also the color. Or dark color you cannot see the numbers. And the color of the number can not be changed(. Also it is impossible to change one of the colors of the picture. For example there is a picture with light green and green svetlovato. In the process of solving svetlomety change e.g. green to blue and decide without gazownictwa. And after the decision in blue restored to the original svetlovato green and we enjoy the result))
anikina 54  2019-11-13 17:02 + 1
easy, a very interesting idea in the decision process to change the color! I liked it! cvety cvety :cvety Support, whether it is technically possible? wink what
Ioanna 43  2019-11-13 17:29 + 2
Support 44  2019-11-13 17:39 + 3
You have a choice of 12 possible crosses for numbers including and translucent.
easy 47 Solver Rank  2019-11-13 18:11 + 2
My eyesight is only slightly hooked (+1) but still have difficulties. Do on color is not always possible to find cross. I do this for a long time played. Put fat - can not see what is underneath, Put a little (Only a trait, thin, translucent - not see the cross. You have to constantly change the scale of a - major to consider crosses, small to see the field. And when you zoom in very simple leaves the row or column again and look for what is marked there.
For me this is really a sore issue).
nettaly 52  2019-11-13 20:30 + 2
In b-b Yaks are no problems with the strikeout numbers, but in color should really be accustomed. Most often I'm using the latest (bold oblique line) and fourth (eight-pointed).
ovawiss 44  2019-11-16 11:02 + 2
@easy, I have already raised the question about the color correction by the user in the solution process, with automatic return to the original colors when the solution is finished. This wonderful option is implemented, for example, the app for Android "nonograms katana". Got a response from support that this is possible. But while standing in place.
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